Yashicamat in Coquetdale


Just a few shots from a  short cycle ride recently in the upper reaches of the River Coquet in Northumberland, all taken with a Yashicamat 124G loaded with Kodak Tri-X. All the shots here were taken with a green filter.

The Yashicamat is one of my favourite cameras to take cycling, because apart from being a generally nice camera producing good quality images, it fits comfortably into a Carradice saddlebag, which is lined with foam to reduce the effects of vibration.

2016-7-2 Coquetdale, 124G, Tri-X, Green filter, HC110 Dil B, 007

2016-7-2 Coquetdale, 124G, Tri-X, Green filter, HC110 Dil B, 008

I set off from Alwinton and had planned to go up to the end of the road at Chew Green, which is almost on the Scottish border (mostly uphill) and return by the same route (mostly downhill). It’s only 24 miles and a route I’ve cycled before, but I’m sorry to say I was somewhat fatigued / totally knackered and cut the route short to 16 miles. I don’t think I’m ready for the Tour de France yet !

2016-7-2, Cquuetdale, 124G, Green filter, Tri-X, HC110 Dil B, 0072016-7-2, Cquuetdale, 124G, Green filter, Tri-X, HC110 Dil B, 0092016-7-2, Cquuetdale, 124G, Green filter, Tri-X, HC110 Dil B, 0102016-7-2, Cquuetdale, 124G, Green filter, Tri-X, HC110 Dil B, 0112016-7-2, Cquuetdale, 124G, Green filter, Tri-X, HC110 Dil B, 012

As a cycling trip it served to demonstrate how unfit I am, but at least I enjoyed stopping for photos along the route.

Finally, if you’re “not from round here” (i.e the North East of England) you may be wondering how to pronounce “Coquet”. It’s one of those local place names which you can’t really get right unless you here someone else speak them first. Here’s a few examples:

  • Coquet – say “Co-kit”
  • Ulgham – say “Uffum”
  • Cambois – say “Cammus”


  1. Lovely stuff! Beautiful tonality. Since you’re using Tri-X, I’m guessing you were shooting around f/8 or f/16?

    I’m currently traveling with my YMat124G through the hills of Central Coast California (the Santa Ynez Valley region and further north to San Simeon) and I was debating switching from color to b&w. Safe to say, the debate is over. I’ve a few rolls of 220 Plus-X that expired a couple of decades ago. Reckon I’ll give those a shot.

    Thanks, Kevin!


    • If I remember correctly the exposure for these images were mostly around 1/125s or 1/250s at f11. I metered at ISO200 to allow for one extra stop for the green filter. Glad to hear you liked the photos.


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