A walk in the woods with snow and a Yashicamat

We’ve had a lot of snow here in the UK recently. When I say “a lot” I mean a lot by British standards, which means very little by Alpine, Canadian, or Scandinavian standards. A thin covering of snow causes schools to close and roads to get blocked, whereas other countries just dress up warm and get on with it

Yashicamat 124GIt would be great to get out into the remote countryside for walking and photography in the snow, but since the roads are in poor condition it’s a lot easier to walk around the local area. I live on the edge of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and have some woods and fields within walking distance.

I took my Yashicamat 124G twin lens reflex loaded with TMax 400 film. Exposing for snow is a tricky problem as the meter will, without modification, render the snow as mid-grey rather than white. Using the Yashicamat’s built-in meter, I exposed the first four images at ISO200 rather than the box speed of 400. If the sun-light had been strong, or the snow formed a larger part of the composition,  I would have made a bigger compensation, but it was a dull day.


For the following image, I gave an extra stop, ie two stops over box speed, because I wanted a “high-key” effect.


The film was developed in Rodinal 1+100 for one hour using the “stand development” technique.

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